Friday 19 July 2019

A Complete Guide to Tantric Massage

With so many variations of massage, Tantric massage is something that takes you beyond bodily pleasure. It combines the elements of sex and yoga, triggering different senses and emotions. Tantric massage connects you spiritually with extreme levels of orgasm. When you book a session with tantric escorts in London, you can rest assured that you will experience something unique which is quite different than regular and sensual massages.

What will you experience during the session?

When the session starts, you may assume that it will be similar to other erotic massages. Though it involves sexual pleasures and heightened orgasm, you are going to have a more spiritual and sacred experience that is offered by stimulating and releasing sexual energy. It couples modern day techniques along with authentic Tantra practices. At first, your hired lady is going to connect you to an ethreal world by awakening the heart chakra. Next, she will give a tender rub down, releasing the tension from the stressed muscles.

When you achieve a state of calmness, the gorgeous mistress will pay attention to the genitals, filling your heart with bliss and excitement. Tantric massage also includes body to body rub down, which stimulates all your emotions. You are going to feel the curvaceous body of the escort when she will glide and slide over your naked body, giving a highly sensational and erotic feeling. To smoothen the gliding process, she lubricates the body with essential oils. Caressing your body with hands and gorgeous hair further sparks off your feeling.

What are the benefits of Tantra massage?

Tantric massage offers multiple benefits to the receiver. The obvious advantage is relieving stress and removing all sorts of sexual frustrations and tensions. The muscles loosen up, relaxing body, mind and soul. Apart from this, it teaches the receiver to gain control over his sexual urges and enjoy prolonged arousal, which in turn, helps the individual to have a strong erection during his sexual encounters.

Tantric massage is highly satisfying and gives you the ultimate pleasure only if it is performed by a trained mistress. You will feel fresh and rejuvenated when the session is over. If you are looking forward to revelling in a tantric session, do not hesitate to get in touch with an agency in London that hires skilled, voluptuous women who have satisfactory training and knowledge in Tantra.

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