Tuesday 24 September 2019

Tantric Massage - the Best Way to Explore Your Body

You might think that you know your body and know what you want in bed, but everything might change after you have had a tantric massage from a gorgeous escort. Tantric massage evolved 5,000 years ago in the subcontinent of India and this rubdown therapy was the answer for sexual troubles, performance issues and relaxation needs. Over the years, the techniques evolved and today, people view the eroticism more than the massage itself.

However, tantric massage is an art and unless you get it from an escort, the massage cannot be used as foreplay. If you are feeling too tired after a tough week at work or have a lot going on in your mind, a tantric therapy is what you need to feel relaxed. This technique focuses on eliminating stresses, worries and anxieties from the body, mind and soul. The massage begins like a normal massage, but halfway through, the therapy turns erotic. It is a sensual massage where the tantric masseuse makes use of the power of touch to both arouse and relax the body.

You can enjoy this massage fully naked and can even request your chosen escort to include it as a part of foreplay. The therapy starts with the escort smoothing out the kinks in your body. Once your muscles are relaxed and you feel comfortable in her company, she will start to touch you sensually. She will also touch your genitals, which might be deliberate or just a brush of the back of her hands. You can feel her fingers circling in your inner thighs and gradually coming close to your balls and phallus. You will feel her teasing you with her gentle, slow strokes. She might even alternate between hard and gentle pressure to stimulate your senses.

As the massage progresses, you will find yourself slip into a deep state of trance where your entire body turns into an orgasmic zone. For so long, you were only experiencing orgasms when someone touched or caressed your genitals. Tantric massage shows how the entire body is sensitive to touch and that is how you get to explore your sensuality and body.

For a better understanding or to enjoy a session of tantric therapy, reach out to a tantric massage agency in London. Book the services of a gorgeous girl and just let her take charge of the session.

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